Making a blog is not something I would normally do. However, I am less than a month away from leaving for Cape Town for the semester, which is also something out of the ordinary. So I thought a blog would be a good way to keep my friends and family updated on my life while abroad, and also something to look back on when I come home.
The first wave of stress is over, with having my housing arrangements taken care of and also applying for my Visa. However, I feel as though another wave of stress may be coming soon. I have been busying myself with work and seeing those I love and reading up on everything South Africa related and have felt no nervousness thus far. But I am sure it is coming. There is still so much to do before I leave but I am just ignoring it at the moment. Everything will come together in the end. But I am getting very anxious to start my adventure and simply cannot wait.

My future campus